Friday, November 30, 2012

Current Connection on Toxic Chem. Train Derailment.

In New Jersey there was a train crash, that was carrying toxic chemicals. The author's purpose of writing this article is to inform us of this toxic mess, and how government officials are dealing with it. The author's main idea is that every thing is alright since the wreck of the train.

"No serious injuries were reported, but 18 people with respiratory issues were sent to a hospital as a precaution, officials said." These people that were sent to the hospital were later disclosed as being alright except for a sore throat. So there were no real human problems associated with the train wreck except for a couple sore throats which is not that bad for such a chemical as vinyl chloride.

""It appears that all of the vinyl chloride that was in the particular car has dissipated," said Larry Hajna of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection." Most of the toxic chemical must have just disappeared in to thin air. Vinyl Chloride, the chemical that had leaked out of these train cars is very flammable, and highly toxic. So the people in the area of where the train wrecked are very lucky that no one was injured worse than a sore throat.

"The air surrounding the wreck is being monitored and is safe, the official said." If the air around the crash site is alright, then there must not be much of a real threat left. So what could have been a huge environmental disaster was bypassed. Vinyl Chloride is used to make PVC pipe and plastics, this chemical makes humans very dizzy and drowsy if around the chemical for a short period of time.

I can make a connection to another article that I have read. I read about a train wreck one time that leaked toxic waste into a creek. But like this story there were no injuries to speak of either.

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