Friday, October 12, 2012

Current Connection on Toxic Cyanide Dumpimng.

     The author of this story is in shock. The author wrote this article as a descriptive article. The main idea is that toxic waste just dumped can kill many fish and wild life species.
    "Death of tens of thousands of fish and other wildlife in the Rocky River." "A massive number of dead or dying fish and other wildlife washed up along the East Branch of the Rocky River on April 22 -- Earth Day -- the website reported."
     The toxic waste was horrible to the ecosystems in this river. The river said that it killed tens of thousands of fish and other species. And how ironic is it that the dead fish washed up on the banks on Earth Day. That is a little funny.
     When I was at the lake this summer there was several dead fish by the boat ramp just laying on the bank. I can connect with these people that saw these dead fish just float up on the banks of this river.

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