Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Adventures of Slim and Howdy. Book Review

Brooks and Dunn's book The Adventures of Slim and Howdy hooked me on the first page with the excitement. I thought that this book was very good.

The setting of this fine piece of American lititure enhanced this book. For example the setting is in current times with the drug cartels and with vehicles. This setting is also in southwest Texas along the border with Mexico.

The characters in this book have helped make this book very interesting. For example Slim is a cowboy from the sticks of Texas, who loves his music. Then there was Jody who was the bar owner who both Howdy and Slim both knew from there past. Then there was Grady, who was Jody's brother who was the typical bad guy of the book.

I can connect with this book because when I grew up I wanted to be a cowboy like the other two main characters. I can also connnect becuase I like any books that take place in the WEST.

I would recomend this book to any one who likes western present day books.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Current Connection on Toxic Chem. Train Derailment.

In New Jersey there was a train crash, that was carrying toxic chemicals. The author's purpose of writing this article is to inform us of this toxic mess, and how government officials are dealing with it. The author's main idea is that every thing is alright since the wreck of the train.

"No serious injuries were reported, but 18 people with respiratory issues were sent to a hospital as a precaution, officials said." These people that were sent to the hospital were later disclosed as being alright except for a sore throat. So there were no real human problems associated with the train wreck except for a couple sore throats which is not that bad for such a chemical as vinyl chloride.

""It appears that all of the vinyl chloride that was in the particular car has dissipated," said Larry Hajna of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection." Most of the toxic chemical must have just disappeared in to thin air. Vinyl Chloride, the chemical that had leaked out of these train cars is very flammable, and highly toxic. So the people in the area of where the train wrecked are very lucky that no one was injured worse than a sore throat.

"The air surrounding the wreck is being monitored and is safe, the official said." If the air around the crash site is alright, then there must not be much of a real threat left. So what could have been a huge environmental disaster was bypassed. Vinyl Chloride is used to make PVC pipe and plastics, this chemical makes humans very dizzy and drowsy if around the chemical for a short period of time.

I can make a connection to another article that I have read. I read about a train wreck one time that leaked toxic waste into a creek. But like this story there were no injuries to speak of either.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Current Connection on Hostess Shut Down

Hostess's Shut down is effecting schools in Mississippi,the author wrote this peice as an expository. "The Mississippi Department of Education says school lunch menus in six out of seven regions of the state are affected by the shutting down of Hostess Brands foods." Patrice Guilfoyle, the Department of Education's spokesperson, claims that they will have to find a new bread vendorl.The fall of this brand of food will cripple the schools in Mississippi. The school officials will have to find a new food supplier to help with their menu. "The Lincoln County School District announced Monday that it is making menu changes because of the lack of fresh bread deliveries." So people will mannage to get by with the lack of Hostess products. "We have been forced to make menu changes to accommodate for the lack of fresh bread deliveries." So the closing of Hostess is making all kinds of catastophes to school executives. They have to change their menus due to the fall of Hostess. The closing of Hostess will effect me personally. I enjoy many of their snack cakes, such as twinkies. It will not only effect the life of me but of many Americans. So the author wrote this as an expository, and this will effect everyone to some degree.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Current Connection on the IScope.

The author wrote this article to expose this top of the line new hunting product. The main idea is that this is a good product for filming your own hunts, for the hunter who wants that competitive edge, and the physically handicapped.

"The option of filming your hunt from the eye of the shooter." This new product fits 90% of scopes. This means 90% of hunters can film there hunts without taking a camera, and possibly a second person. This means you can have that game animal of a life time on camera, in a slit second if you have the adapter, and an iphone.

"The average hunter who wants a competitive edge while being able to film their hunt."  With this product you can have the technological aspect while hunting for your dream animal. The adapter fits rifles, shotguns, crossbows, pistols, and BB guns.So this product is a great object for anyone.

"Handicap hunters who have difficulty using a scope." This product takes huge strides in the hunting field for handicapped hunters. They can put the gun in a rest and look at it from an angle and still make a killer shot. This product is amazing on just that aspect.

When I first saw this product I was happy for those who can not hunt, because with the iscope, they can hunt if they have a rest. I also liked this product because many times I have found myself wondering how you could video through a scope. So this product solved that question for me.

I think that this product would make a great gift for that hunter in your life. I would enjoy one. The cost of this product is 119.00-135.00 dollars.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Current Connection on Toxic Cyanide Dumpimng.

     The author of this story is in shock. The author wrote this article as a descriptive article. The main idea is that toxic waste just dumped can kill many fish and wild life species.
    "Death of tens of thousands of fish and other wildlife in the Rocky River." "A massive number of dead or dying fish and other wildlife washed up along the East Branch of the Rocky River on April 22 -- Earth Day -- the website reported."
     The toxic waste was horrible to the ecosystems in this river. The river said that it killed tens of thousands of fish and other species. And how ironic is it that the dead fish washed up on the banks on Earth Day. That is a little funny.
     When I was at the lake this summer there was several dead fish by the boat ramp just laying on the bank. I can connect with these people that saw these dead fish just float up on the banks of this river.

Current Connection on Firefighter being Fired.

   The author of this article is aggravated because a firefighter in Washington was fired because he sent a christian e-mail to some fellow fire fighters using the fire houses computer. The authors wrote this article in an expository way.I think that the authors main idea is that this fine firefighter for 17 years was fired because of the most ridiculous reason.
   "The emails, Sprague said, were sent only to the 46 members of his fellowship and no complaints had been received." "Never had been disciplined in the past,” Sprague said. “Everything seems to revolve around ust those emails and the Christian content.”
     This firefighter was fired due to Christian content in an e-mail he sent to men in the department that were in a Christian fellowship with him. Nobody was harmed by these emails, so why would he be fired? Due to personal difference.
     This world has fallen way out of the path that it needs to be in with God. This  man got fired and is probably not the first in the world to get fired because of his religion.

Book Reveiw

      Jennifer L. Weber's Summer's Bloodiest Days is intreguing, I thoughly enjoyed the Civil War facts that I learned in this book.
      I can make connections though the entire book. One example of a connection is this book deals with the Civil War, like another book I read called The Red Badge of Courage. I could also make a connection to the movie American Outlaws. Which has some scenes from the Civil War in the beginning of the movie.
     The characters in this book are of different varieties of hero's. Like Some people would say that Robert E. Lee was a hero, but others would say he was a villan.But I think that Robert E. Lee is one of my favorite characters mentioned in this book.So the characters in this book are from one extreme to the other. Another one of my favorite charcters in the book is Genneral Stonewall Jackson. I liked him becuase he was a fearless leader for the Confederate Army.
     The setting of this book is to take place in in the 1800's in our quarreling country, all the way from the far south to the far north this book covers it all. This is a time that is entreaging to me but some people would find it boring.
     I would reccomend this book to anybody that enjoys learning about this event, and millitary facts
of the Civil War.

Austin's Reading Bucket List

  1. It's a Book.  I think I would thoroughly enjoy reading this book. One reason why is because this book goes against the modern day's technological advances. In the  world of all the electronic breakthroughs this book tells about an elephant reading a book. And the bird does not understand the book concept. And this book sounds very funny in my opinion.
  2. Summer's Bloodiest Day's. I enjoy this type of book because it is about the Civil War. The Civil War is one of my favorite times in the vast history of America. This book tells about some of the battles fought during the war. And some of the medical precautions taken in this time period. That is why I want to read this book.
  3. The Adventures of Slim and Howdy. I want to read this book because it is about two country music stars, Kix Brooks, and Ronnie Dunn. This book sounds to be a very funny book from the synopsis  on the first page. And it sounds like a country life style book that I would like to read. That is why I want to read this book.
  4. Fahrenheit 451. I want to read this book because at 451 degrees is where paper simultaneously combust. And I do not like books all that well, so I think I would thouroughly enjoy this book. And it is based of the movie by Ray Bradburry. So if the book is like the movie the book should be a very good read for anybody.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering the Fallen

Even though America was attacked eleven years ago, we remember the fallen and the heritage of our country. We are remembering the fallen by creating a new World Trade Center, bigger and better. This new building will have three feet thick walls. And we are remembering our heritage by the hieght of the new building. The new building will be 1,776 feet tall, the same as the year we gained our independenc.

Monday, May 21, 2012

What I would do to survive.

What would I do to survive? I would go to the ends of the earth to ensure my survival. I would go to the most extreme you could think of. I would kill somebody before they killed me if it came down to it. But only if I had to. I believe thtat what ever it takes can be mustard up to make it through.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Zeal to Survive

There is a responsibility of the cost of life and the zeal to survive. And they are connected.

Well the Titanic had a captian which had a cost that he had to face by letting the boat hit the iceberg.


I am a Wolf the master of the land. I see the other animals, I will not stand. They run through the field, to see who will be the winner. The deer is not ahead, he will be my dinner.

Frankenstein Paraghraph

Frankenstein was a very insightful book. I think that Dean Koontz is right. As Frankenstein grew up he was a very normal child. But as he grew he wanted to obtain knowledge never before studdied to this degree.But I do think that he brought this down fall upon his self as he wasted many of hours pondering his scientific questions. Frankenstein destroyed his self by engulfing him self in his studies. So I think that he did destroy himself.

The Call of the Wild Book Review

Jack London's "Call of the Wild" was very intreaging. This book was very interesting to me. One of the main reasons why is because I enjoy books that are historical, and that take place in the wild. Buck was my favorite character in the whole book. It may be because we are so similair. We are both hard headed. We get mad if we do not get our way. But this has been my favorite book that I have read this year.But in the end of this book Buck went back to his primordial being, and to being ferine.I would suggest this book to people who like books about animals, and books about history. I would give this book a nine out of ten.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Survivor Synthesis Essay: Economic Downfall

140 Character-Claim Anyone can survive an economic collapse. With a few previsions anyone in the world can make it through a collapse of our economy.(129)